Sweden: Romme V65 26.1.2024
Pre Race Rankings for Romme V65.Remember the opinion you should follow should be your own.More info about the pre race analysis: https://totepoint.com/about/ V65-1Danielle de Leejs (1) Ranking: CQuintus Tooma (2) Ranking:Chain Reaction (3) Ranking: CImpala V.S. (4) Ranking: DWalquer Launcher (5) Ranking: DPommac W.F. (6) Ranking: AExcellenzen (7) Ranking: DHe Miss Deiha (8) Ranking: CMama’s […]
Sweden: Gävle V64 8.1.2024
Pre Race Rankings for Gävle Jackpot 89K€.Remember the opinion you should follow should be your own.More info about the pre race analysis: https://totepoint.com/about/ V64-1Heartbeat Windy (1) Ranking: AWho’s the Winner (2) Ranking: CNinepoints Winner (3) Ranking: CLavazza Dee (4) Ranking: DMandis Express (5) Ranking: CLord Albert (6) Ranking: DOro Tooma (7) Ranking: DGlobal Emperor (8) […]