France: Bordeaux 18.11.2023

Pre Race Rankings for Bordeaux.Remember the opinion you should follow should be your own. Just consider this a second opinion.More info about the pre race analysis: Race: 1GUINNESS DU VALLON (1) Ranking: DELIZA BELLA (2) Ranking: BEXPERT CASTELETS (3) Ranking: DGARIFAN DE CASTROU (4) Ranking: BFIRST DE BRETAGNE (5) Ranking: DFINN MAC MISSIL (6) […]

France: Bordeaux 15.11.2023

Pre Race Rankings for Bordeaux. Remember the opinion you should follow should be your own. Just consider this a second opinion.More info about the pre race analysis: Race: 1KUPIDON DE CORBERY (1) Ranking: DKING IMPERIAL (2) Ranking: CKATONA (3) Ranking: DKEA DES RACQUES (4) Ranking: BKIMIE CASTELETS (5) Ranking: BKEONA DELALANDE (6) Ranking: BKOCCINELLE […]