Sweden: Xpress V64 25.10.2024

Pre-Race Rankings for #Xpress #V64 #Östersund #Kalmar.Remember the opinion you should follow should be your own. Just consider this a second opinion. V1 1): – Dream Shadow 2): D Master Wiking 3): B3 Ebba Kuce 4): S Jeriko Brick 5): – Red Hot Summer 6): D Handmade Love 7): D Tjurkhults Stella 8): C2 Zuccezz […]

Sweden: Xpress V86 16.10.2024

Pre-Race Rankings for #Xpress #V86 #Romme #Kalmar .Remember the opinion you should follow should be your own. Just consider this a second opinion. V1 1): D Ixie 2): D Hafa Go 3): B1 Farina 4): C1 Run Queen Run 5): B1 Nephtys Boko 6): B1 Kitty Hawk 7): C2 Global Eyecatcher 8): D Foxtail Pine […]

Sweden: V64 Xpress Bollnäs & Kalmar Jackpot 20.9.2024

Pre-Race Rankings for #Bollnäs #Kalmar #V64 #Jackpot 99K€.Remember the opinion you should follow should be your own. Just consider this a second opinion. V1 1): B1 Andragathos 2): D Wake Me Cheri 3): D Hector Godiva 4): D Gobernante 5): B1 Everglo Lemon 6): B1 Perkins 7): C1 Alfred Zonett 8): D Oryx Håleryd 9): […]

Sweden: V64 Xpress Kalmar&Romme

Pre-Race Rankings for #Xpress #V64 #Kalmar #Romme.Remember the opinion you should follow should be your own. Just consider this a second opinion. V1 1): D Gabriel Avenue 2): D Hero Band 3): D Hurricane Woodland 4): C1 Bowler Day 5): B1 Mateo di Quattro 6): D Fire n’Fury 7): D Capiroska Font 8): D Certainly […]

Sweden: Kalmar V65 23.8.2024

Pre-Race Rankings for .Remember the opinion you should follow should be your own. Just consider this a second opinion. Race: 2 1): C2 Nice Run 5A.P:9.4 5.APr6200 2): C2 Xanthis Florence 5A.P:9.4 5.APr4100 3): B1 Expelled 5A.P:11.2 5.APr5600 4): B1 Malto 5A.P:11.8 5.APr3600 5): B1 Run Run Lilleman 5A.P:5.6 5.APr8960 6): D Lady’s Candy 5A.P:8.8 […]

Sweden: Kalmar V75 23.6.2024

Pre Race Rankings for Kalmar V75 JACKPOT 2,7M€.Remember the opinion you should follow should be your own. Just consider this a second opinion.More info about the pre race analysis: https://totepoint.com/about/ Race: 5 1): C2 Gatling 5A.P:5.4 5.APr22800 2): D Urban Africa 5A.P:5.8 5.APr7700 3): D D.J.Spritz 5A.P:8.2 5.APr21700 4): C2 Spartakus 5A.P:11.2 5.APr15515.6 5): S […]

Sweden: Kalmar GS75 6.6.2024

Pre Race Rankings for Kalmar V75.Remember the opinion you should follow should be your own.More info about the pre race analysis: https://totepoint.com/about/ Race: 4 1): D Fauntleroy 5A.P:7.4 5.APr3900 2): B2 John King Boko 5A.P:14.2 5.APr4700 3): A Zinfandel 5A.P:11 5.APr6800 4): B2 Västerbo LookHigh 5A.P:6.6 5.APr10200 5): D See You in Heaven 5A.P:9.2 5.APr3560 […]

Sweden: Xpress V64 5.4.2024

Pre Race Rankings for Xpress V64 Jackpot 130K€ Kalmar & Bollnäs.Remember the opinion you should follow should be your own.More info about the pre race analysis: https://totepoint.com/about/ V64-1 1): B1 Global Eclipse 5A.P:5.6 5.APr11000 2): D Hermine Ima 5A.P:11.6 5.APr3380 3): C2 Bella Bellissima 5A.P:4.4 5.APr10180 4): D Fiddle Faddle 5A.P:8.8 5.APr3220 5): C2 Luckpenny […]

Sweden: Kalmar GS75 10.3.2024

Pre Race Rankings for Kalmar GS75.Remember the opinion you should follow should be your own.More info about the pre race analysis: https://totepoint.com/about/ V75-1 1): C1 Dakar 5A.P:9.2 5.APr9080 2): C1 Evita 5A.P:5.6 5.APr6508.6 3): C2 Cojito 5A.P:11.8 5.APr5000 4): D It’s Time 5A.P:7.2 5.APr5360 5): D Hurricane Woodland 5A.P:9 5.APr5680 6): S Staro Peanut 5A.P:3.2 […]

Sweden: Kalmar V4 22.2.2024

Pre Race Rankings for Kalmar V4 Lunch races.Remember the opinion you should follow should be your own.More info about the pre race analysis: https://totepoint.com/about/ Race: 1 1): B1 Barefoot Bubbly 5A.P:9.2 5.APr5100 2): D Navas 5A.P:12.6 5.APr2600 3): C2 Camelot As 5A.P:6.6 5.APr8360 4): D Lilo Love 5A.P:9.2 5.APr5300 5): A That’s it 5A.P:2 5.APr32700 […]