Sweden: Xpress V64 JACKPOT 8.11.2024
Pre-Race Rankings for #Xpress #V64 #Jackpot 156K€ #Eskilstuna #Rättvik .Remember the opinion you should follow should be your own. Just consider this a second opinion. V1 1): C2 Kill Posin 2): B1 Flys Punk Rocker 3): D Last Gift C.G. 4): D Dash 5): B2 Mary Wadd 6): D Adorable Face 7): B1 Jula Sunshine […]
Sweden: Rättvik V75 3.8.2024
Pre Race Rankings for #Rättvik #V75 .Remember the opinion you should follow should be your own.More info about the pre race analysis: https://totepoint.com/about/ Race: 5 1): C2 Redzone 5A.P:9 5.APr5900 2): D Maxihill Trot 5A.P:6.2 5.APr10160 3): A My Star is Born 5A.P:2.6 5.APr23100 4): D Mago Launcher 5A.P:7 5.APr11800 5): C2 Chain Reaction 5A.P:6 […]
Sweden: Rättvik V64 22.7.2024
Pre Race Rankings for #Rättvik #V64.Remember the opinion you should follow should be your own. Just consider this a second opinion.More info about the pre race analysis: https://totepoint.com/about/ Race: 4 1): A Karusell 5A.P:5.2 5.APr14500 2): D Nemesis Divina 5A.P:11.8 5.APr3620 3): D Doer Shallow 5A.P:12.2 5.APr3080 4): D Svärdbros Dream 5A.P:9.2 5.APr4600 5): – […]
Sweden: Rättvik V64 8.7.2024
Pre Race Rankings for Rättvik V64 jackpot 144K€.Remember the opinion you should follow should be your own. Just consider this a second opinion.More info about the pre race analysis: https://totepoint.com/about/ Race: 4 1): C2 Xerava C.D. 5A.P:6.6 5.APr17100 2): C2 Letsdoit 5A.P:12.2 5.APr8000 3): C2 Following 5A.P:10.6 5.APr6700 4): B1 Bedazzled Sox 5A.P:3 5.APr259000 5): […]
Sweden: Rättvik V75 22.6.2024
Pre Race Rankings for Rättvik V75.Remember the opinion you should follow should be your own. Just consider this a second opinion.More info about the pre race analysis: https://totepoint.com/about/ Race: 4 1): B3 Diamond Sid 5A.P:9.2 5.APr4600 2): B3 Ace of Marke 5A.P:8 5.APr6100 3): B2 Fossens Wilma 5A.P:9 5.APr4560 4): B2 Toscana Southwind 5A.P:8.2 5.APr14160 […]
Sweden: Rättvik V64 27.5.2024
Pre Race Rankings for Rättvik V64.Remember the opinion you should follow should be your own. Just consider this a second opinion.More info about the pre race analysis: https://totepoint.com/about/ Race: 4 1): B1 Gordon Brodde 5A.P:3.8 5.APr9200 2): D Juvel Ribb 5A.P:9.6 5.APr5380 3): D Zally Gel 5A.P:9 5.APr6280 4): B2 Spader 5A.P:5.8 5.APr20100 5): B2 […]
Sweden : Xpress V64 3.5.2024
Pre Race Rankings for Xpress V64 Jackpot 103K€.Remember the opinion you should follow should be your own.More info about the pre race analysis: https://totepoint.com/about/ V64-1 1): D Bingo Pop 5A.P:9.4 5.APr6380 2): D No Surrender 5A.P:8.8 5.APr9600 3): A Röde Orm 5A.P:7.2 5.APr9780 4): D Nacho Boko 5A.P:10.6 5.APr14900 5): D De Niro Bi 5A.P:6.6 […]
Sweden: Rättvik V65 12.4.2024
Pre Race Rankings for Rättvik lunch V65.Remember the opinion you should follow should be your own. Just consider this a second opinion.More info about the pre race analysis: https://totepoint.com/about/ Race: 2 1): B2 Nott Eck 5A.P:5.8 5.APr7700 2): A Fashionable Dance 5A.P:7.2 5.APr7300 3): B1 Supernova Lyjam 5A.P:3.6 5.APr13800 4): D Le Sano 5A.P:12.4 5.APr2860 […]
Sweden: Rättvik V4 2.4.2024
Pre Race Rankings for Rättvik V4 Lunch.Remember the opinion you should follow should be your own. Just consider this a second opinion.More info about the pre race analysis: https://totepoint.com/about/ Race: 1 1): B1 Holger 5A.P:8.4 5.APr6100 2): B3 My Boy 5A.P:5.8 5.APr16300 3): A Kong Venience 5A.P:6.6 5.APr11958.6 4): C1 Creme Caramel 5A.P:7.4 5.APr11200 5): […]
Sweden: Rättvik GS75 26.11.2023
Pre Race Rankings for Rättvik GS75 Jackpot (323K€).Remember the opinion you should follow should be your own. Just consider this a second opinion.More info about the pre race analysis: https://totepoint.com/about/ For info: The comments are my personal and not related to the models predictions. V75-1The opening race favors 6 Always Face, in good form with […]