Sweden: Tingsryd V64 Jackpot 9.7.2024

Pre Race Rankings for Tingsryd V64 Jackpot 186K€.Remember the opinion you should follow should be your own. Just consider this a second opinion.More info about the pre race analysis: https://totepoint.com/about/ Race: 4 1): D Spectre 5A.P:17 5.APr1200 2): C2 Center Bus 5A.P:11.2 5.APr10100 3): D Apollo Prophet Cal 5A.P:8 5.APr16360 4): D Amoa King 5A.P:17 […]

Sweden: Tingsryd V86 12.6.2024

Pre Race Rankings for Tingsryd V86.Remember the opinion you should follow should be your own.More info about the pre race analysis: https://totepoint.com/about/ Race: 3 1): D Mary Ann Lane 5A.P:11.4 5.APr16500 2): D Benita Winner 5A.P:7.2 5.APr7700 3): B3 Florence Ima 5A.P:3.6 5.APr27400 4): B1 Mellby Korall 5A.P:12.2 5.APr9000 5): C2 Kitty Hawk 5A.P:11.2 5.APr22400 […]